Kirtana是奧修門徒,她的歌曲廣受許多心靈大師的喜愛,常在課程裏面播放。這次Rahasya老師原本準備要播放四首她的歌,但因為時間的關係只放了兩首,都是"This Embrace"這張專輯裡面的。有興趣的朋友們可以直接到她的網站: http://www.kirtana.com/ 裡面可以購買CD或是MP3檔,還有完整的歌詞喔!
在這裡和大家分享Rahasya老師原本要放但沒有播的曲子: Who You Really Are (你真正是誰)
"Does who we are begin with breath,
depend on form or end with death? -
Strip away these roles, these names
and tell me what remains
And who you really are,
who you really are"
"This is your lifetime; it could end at anytime.
Where is your attention?
Where is your prayer?
Where is your song?
Could there be more
to this life we call "mine"
than a journey through space
or a story line?
More to life than the body can sense
than the mind can conclude
from experience
Does who we are begin with breath,
depend on form or end with death? -
Strip away these roles, these names
and tell me what remains
And who you really are,
who you really are
We measure success
by the things we accrue
or the bonds that we form,
or the deeds we do
But these too shall pass,
as hard as we try
to hold on to form; form will die
But inherent in this dance of form
Is the chance to see what's yet unborn
And the choice to throw this chance away
And be caught up in the play
of who we think we are,
who we think we are
This is your lifetime; it could end at anytime.
Where is your attention?
Where is your prayer?
Where is your song?
In a fortunate life,
comes a call to be free
From the cycle of bondage and misidentity,
to wake from the dream
and finally realize
the truth of one's being
before the body dies
So before the final scene is past,
see the screen on which it's cast.
See what's seeing this me and you.
And then you will see who...t
who you really are, who you really are
Who you really are, who we really are
- 靈魂旅人(Soul Explorer)
- 六年級生 在金融風暴發生前離開暴風圈 目前是探索物質與心靈世界的靜心者,一心學院創辦人與聖地旅遊策劃人;在英國唸書工作住了三年 這幾年多次進出印度 擔任印度合一大學的翻譯與工作人員 曾旅遊過二十多個國家~難忘的旅遊經驗包括:西班牙馬德里遇劫 帥哥演員救險;土耳其遇黑幫老大 導遊叫我以後不要再去土耳其;澳洲雨林區做"Earth Watch"志工 被蚊子追著跑還要徒手撿火雞便便;西藏納木措車陷泥淖 又飢又凍全車幾得高山症;普羅旺斯花粉過敏嚴重 全臉紅腫長痘痘此生最醜時; 去北法朋友家過道地聖誕節 聖誕大餐時間太長吃到發燒;尼泊爾喜馬拉雅山區 獨自一人走在梯田裡 大自然美景永生難忘;印度德里等車等了一小時 車子跑了氣得大罵 沒想到竟因此順利搭上往達蘭莎拉的巴士....而這幾年的心靈之旅 讓外在的追尋轉化成內在更深遠的體悟~ 旅行 是學習的特快車 加速拓展靈魂的深度; 靈魂地圖 標記學習的旅程 探索生命的本質 享受宇宙的豐盛!(靈魂旅人:soul.miles@gmail.com)
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